Oh god you've found it!

"I found that weirdo's weird website for wierdos!"

Okay so what exactly is this page even for?

Quick answer: for me to do whatever I want to with. I need a good creative outlet and I think this site will be mine!

>also I can share so many images with you people:

I like a lot of other animals too, but this is probably my top 3 lol

About the author? blogger? guy?

So like, have you ever had to live somewhere that sucks? Cause I have. and I'm probably gonna be stuck here till college, so I might as well try to do something with my general teen angst and discontentment. I am a senior in high school, and I live in the "Great" state of Ohio. I listen to a whole range of music, I especially like listening to wierd stuff. I like the Talking Heads, Diet Tea Other Cola, Arthur Shea, Prince Daddy and the Hyena, and SOPHIE just to name a few of the things I like listening to. I also like a lot of classic "Dad Rock". Not everything I engross myself in is music though, I also have a lot of interests in wildlife, the environment, and ecology. Some other topics I enjoy learning about include space, geology, history, political science, paleontology, archeology, and probably a million other things. This site is entirely a thing to contain my fixation ramblings, like a sort of blog or something. I guess I could also talk about some of my school activities here, I'll start with the fact that I am regrettably a band kid. I am also involved in college credit courses. Last year I took a web development class but as you can see I have forgotten a lot of it LMAO.